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Terms and Conditions

Rules and regulations

  1. Competitors must enter their Stock, produce etc, with the Secretary under every Section and Class in which they intend competing. The Entry Form must be delivered to the Secretary, duly filled up, not later than 30TH JUNE 2023.Exhibitors entering Pedigree Cattle and Horses must send in Stud Book or Herd Book number, together with the names for the Sire and Dam.

  2. All Stock for competition must be in the showground at least one hour before any Classes entered are due to commence on Friday 4th August and before 8.00am on Saturday 5th August 2023. No stock to be removed from the Showground on Saturday before 3.30pm and not until the Grand Parade has passed unless by permission of the Section Convenor and the Secretary. Further all Horses, including Riding and Driving besides being exhibited in the Show ring when judged, must present when called upon, and Jumping horses must again perform over the fences if requested by the Judge, and this under a penalty of £10.00. Prize gainers will forfeit their Prizes awarded unless they comply with this regulation.

  3. Stock must be the bona fide property of the Exhibitor and in his/her actual possession for at least two calendar months prior to the Show (unless where a longer period is specified). Exhibitors are bound, when required to satisfy the Directors that their exhibits comply with the regulations and conditions of competition, otherwise such exhibits may be disqualified, and any Prizes awarded then forfeited. All Horses and pure-bred Cattle including calves (but excluding commercial cattle) must be halter led.

  4. Breed Society Rules will apply where Perthshire Agricultural Society is affiliated to a Breed Society.

  5. No animal to be shown in more than one section at this Show on Saturday 5th August 2023. No substitutes to be shown unless the secretary has been advised prior to the show.

  6. Two years old Heifers of the Beef Shorthorn and Aberdeen Angus Breeds must be in milk or in calf when exhibited, and Prizes will if necessary be withheld till birth is certified, which must be within nine months after the show.

  7. No Stock to be shown before the Judges with a Prize ticket still attached. Where an Animal in any class has been awarded the Championship of the Breed, the Animal second to it in its Class must be brought before the Judge before placing the Reserve Champion, but in the first instance only First Prize Animals will be brought before the Judge.

  8. The Directors reserve the right to substitute plate to the like or greater value where specifically given, instead of Money Prizes offered in any Class where there is no competition the Prize Money can be withheld unless the Judges consider the Animal or Animals of sufficient merit. 

  9. Stock handlers must remain in close attendance to their Stock in the Showground and if any lot or lots of Stock are without attendance during the time of Judging, they are liable to be passed over by the Judges and disqualified and if any parties in attendance upon Animals are not in readiness to Parade when called upon, the owners of the Animals are liable to forfeit all honours conferred upon them during the day. Attendants, when showing Animals in the Judging ring and on Parade, must wear the correct number tickets. All horses and ponies must be always attended to when tied to the side of a trailer or horse box.

  10. Driving competitions will be at any time during the day, when called upon by the Directors. Any competitors failing to comply with this regulation are liable to a penalty of £10.00 and if Prize takers, will forfeit the Prizes awarded.

  11. All Horses must be halter led, and owners of Stock are particularly requested to see that their stock attendants in charge of Stock remain beside the Animals within the Showground.

  12. All persons in charge of Stock or other exhibits, and all persons admitted to the Showground shall be subject to the Rules of the Society, and must obey the orders of the Directors, Secretary and other Officials of the Society.

  13. No animal shall be taken out of its pen or stall after the Judging has commenced, except by orders of the Directors, or with the permission of the Secretary. Stock will not be allowed to stand about the Showground in groups. Those infringing this rule will be liable to a fine of £10.00, or may be expelled from the Showground.

  14. The Directors and Officials have the power to enforce the Regulations of the Society in their different departments and Exhibitors shall be answerable for the conduct of their stock handlers or representatives.

  15. The Directors and Officials reserve the right to call the Official Umpire of the Section for any matters arising in the judging of classes. The Umpire’s decision will be final.

  16. The Directors reserve the right of refusing any entries they may think fit to exclude or cancel any entry made or to prohibit the exhibition of any of the stock also to cancel any Class or Section or to with-hold any of the Prizes if there are not sufficient competitors or to rearrange classes or to make enquiry into any breach of the Rules and Regulations with or without any protest from any Exhibitor. The Directors reserve the rights to cancel, limit, or amend the space provided for any stance for implements or Trade Stands at any time.

  17. All protests to be lodged with the Secretary by 4.00pm on Friday 4thAugust or 2.00pm on Saturday 5th August 2023 along with £50.00 (which will be forfeited if the objection is over‑ruled) IF NO MONEY IS PAID THE PROTEST WILL NOT BE UPHELD. The decision of the Directors on all cases of dispute shall be final.

  18. Free badges with admission tickets to the Showground (for Members) will be given on payment of annual subscription to the Secretary. No Member whose subscription is outstanding shall be entitled to this badge and admission ticket. No Member can gain entry without the admission ticket. Free badges will be given to sponsors to allow the public to see who supports the show, but sponsors must redeem their admission tickets when they enter the showground.

  19. Holders of Long Service Medals of the Highland and Agricultural Society will be admitted free on production of their Medals.

  20. Trade Exhibitors will receive one admission ticket for each 2 metres of frontage. (Maximum number of tickets = 10). Entry is not permissible with Trade Stand badge only.

  21. The Society, its Officers or employees shall not be responsible to any person whatsoever while upon the Society’s premises or while entering or leaving the same, for any damage or loss however caused to the property of any such person or for any injury, fatal or otherwise to any such person.

  22. The Society, its Officers, or employees, shall not be responsible for any accident, damage or loss however caused that may occur to any Exhibitor or his employee, or to any Animal, article or property brought into the Showground or while entering or leaving or being carried into or out of the said Showground.   Each Exhibitor shall be solely responsible for any loss, injury or damage that may be done to, or occasioned by, or arising from any Animal, article or property exhibited or brought to the Showground, by him and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Society from and against all actions, suits, expenses and claims on account of or in respect of any such damage or injury which may be caused or occasioned.

  23. Standards and rules form part of the exhibitor entry form, and a condition of the entry will be an acceptance of these rules and regulations.

Health and safety

  1. A safety officer will be appointed to ensure the safety of the event and the implementation of the safety policy.

  2. Extra stewards are appointed to ensure all safety precautions are complied with and the chief steward in each section will be responsible for their own section.

  3. Animals being moved through the event area will be separated from the public by barrier walkways and the movement of animals to judging rings will be organised to create as little stress as possible.

  4. Bulls should be secured by rings or dual humbug.

  5. Animals, which are excited or aggressive, should not be paraded and may require to be withdrawn from the event.

  6. Any animal considered to be under the influence of any substances, calming etc., will be removed from the showground.

  7. Children must not be allowed to handle bulls or fractious animals. In the juvenile classes an adult must always be in attendance to take over if a child is having difficulty in controlling an animal.

  8. All riders in the pony section must wear hats conforming to British standards and chinstraps should be used.

  9. Dogs must be always kept on leads.

  10. Only an adult who is fully trained in its safe use should operate any plant, machinery or equipment used prior to, during or after the show. Children under the age of 16 must not be allowed to ride on or operate machinery including all-terrain vehicles.

  11. Pedestrian access routes from car parks will be clearly signposted.

  12. Exhibitors, trade stands, caterers, and retailers etc using LPG gas must comply with HSE regulations in respect of storage and use of any containers that they may bring.

  13. First Aid facilities will be provided on the day of the show, and these will be clearly signposted and identified.

  14. Emergency services will always have access to all parts of the show ground.

  15. In the event of a major incident an incident sheet will be available from the secretary’s office on which proper information will be recorded immediately.


Health and safety code of practice for trade stands


  1. Any plant, machinery or equipment used prior to, during or after the show should only be operated by an adult who is fully trained in its safe use. Children under the age of 16 must not be allowed to ride on or operate machinery including all-terrain vehicles.

  2. Exhibitors, trade stands, caterers, retailers etc. using LPG gas must comply with HSE regulations in respect of storage and use of any containers that they may bring.

  3. All electrical generators must be adequately guarded and must not in any way affect adjoining trade stands.

  4. All stalls should be properly erected, securely tied in and as far as possible avoid protruding stays and jagged edges to trestles etc.

  5. Steps and stairs to sideshows and caravans should be firmly positioned and of proper construction. Where applicable handrails should be provided.

  6. Dangerous machinery should be positioned, guarded, or otherwise protected that it is not accessible to children or other persons.

  7. It is essential that all persons engaging in the preparation and cooking of food are aware of the need for certain elementary precautions of safety to minimise the risk of accidents.

  8. First Aid facilities will be provided on the day of the show, and these will be clearly signposted and identified.

  9. Emergency services will always have access to all parts of the showground.

  10. In the event of a major incident an incident sheet will be available from the secretary’s office on which proper information will be recorded immediately.

  11. A safety officer has been appointed to check on safety procedures at the show and it is hoped they will have the full co-operation of all exhibitors and trade stand holders. 


Conditions of admittance


  1. Persons are admitted to Perth Show Ground, its Car Park, and environs at their own risk and while every endeavour will be taken to ensure their safety, the Society will not (save for death or personal injury caused by breach of its duty) be held responsible for personal injury (whether fatal or otherwise), loss of or damage to property or any other loss, damage, costs and expenses however caused.

  2. When moving between trade stands, exhibits, rings or public areas, all persons must use designated roads, routes and avenues and must comply with the instructions of the Society’s Directors, Stewards, Staff (identifiable by Official Badge) or by the Police. On no account may members of the public remove or climb over or past pedestrian barriers.

  3. Persons entering livestock areas do so at their own risk. Please ensure that you wash your hands before eating if you have been touching livestock. Under no circumstances may any unauthorised person enter the Show Rings.

  4. The Society reserves the right to remove from any part of the Showground any person whose behaviour is deemed to be unacceptable for any reason.

Register as an exhibitor 

Register your interest in exhibiting at next years Perth Show.

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